EPSRC Energy Harvesting Network

Call for SPARK Awards 2012: Materials for Energy Harvesting

Date added: Thursday 29th March 2012

SPARK Award projects, launched by the Materials KTN in collaboration with and funded by an OEM to help supply chain companies accelerate the development of their innovative ideas in materials for energy harvesting.

An OEM is seeking innovative technology in the area of energy harvesting in order to seek to power products in the absence of mains electricity, but still allow for the collection and transmission of data.

Working with the Materials KTN, the OEM has made funding available for companies wishing to work with the University of Surrey to undertake technology based projects utilising the University's expertise in advanced, functional and structural materials across a multifunctional team of scientists and engineers and allow companies to develop their innovative ideas in the field of energy harvesting.

Individual Awards of up to £5000 are available for UK based companies to fund problem solving, proof-of-concept technology demonstration and other development activities involving materials.

The research work must be carried out by or in collaboration with the University of Surrey, and a fundamental requirement for such an award is that projects reach completion within a maximum of 4 months from the start date of the project.

Please follow the following links to download the <a href="code https://connect.innovateuk.org/c/document_library/get_file?uuid=51d0b0cd-4e32-472f-be4c-923cd2727a23&groupId=72888">Flyer</a> and <a href="https://connect.innovateuk.org/c/document_library/get_file?uuid=1c277fef-2f7b-4d96-8f74-804acff8c4af&groupId=72888">Application Form</a>.

Further Information: https://ktn.innovateuk.org/web/materialsktn/spark-awards

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