EPSRC Energy Harvesting Network

Energy Harvesting 2012

Prime sponsors: ESP and Materials KTNs
Date: Wednesday 28th March 2012, 9:15am-4:20pm
Location: Hamilton House, Mabledon Place, London, WC1H 9BD

The Energy Harvesting Network held its second one-day dissemination event on 28th March 2012 at Hamilton House, London. The Network is EPSRC-funded, and is for academia, industry and end-users of energy harvesting technology. The prime sponsors of the event were the EPSRC and the ESP and Materials KTNs. The event provided a platform for disseminating energy-harvesting advances in the UK, and contained presentations from well-respected speakers in academia and industry, demonstrations from companies, and posters from postgraduate research students. 86 participants attended from industry and academia.

The presentations, short company pitches, and PhD student posters can be downloaded by following the links below:

9:15 Arrival, Registration and Coffee
9:45 Introduction: The Energy Harvesting Network
Prof. Steve Beeby (University of Southampton, UK)
9.50 Keynote: Micro Energy Harvesting: From Basic Research to Practical Application
Prof. Peter Woias (IMTEK, Germany)
10.20 Energy Harvesting in Practical Applications
Roy Freeland (Perpetuum)
10.40 Designing Next-Generation Thermoelectric Materials for Energy Harvesting
Prof. Anthony Powell (Herriot Watt University, UK)
11.00 Coffee Break and Networking
11:20 Smart Materials for Energy Regeneration
Prof. Elias Siores (University of Bolton, UK)
11.40 'Elevator Pitches' from Companies with Stands at this Event
Agilent, Techni Measure, IDTechEx
11.55 Student posters: Flash presentations (2 minutes each)
PhD Students with Posters at the Event
12:20 Lunch and Poster Session

Optimization of Piezoelectric Bistable Composite Plates for Broadband Vibrational Energy Harvesting
D. Betts (University of Bath)

PEANUT - PErsonal Actuator N-ergized by Ultrasonic Transfer
A. Denisov (Imperial College London) - Winner of Best Poster Award

Energy Harvesting Using Magnetostrictive Devices
C. Fraser (University of Strathclyde)

Self-powered Wireless Sensor nodes for SHM
A. Giuliano (Cranfield University)

Real World Vibration Energy Harvesting for Structural Health Monitoring
Y. Jia (University of Cambridge)

Wireless Electric Power Transmission Using Ultrasonic Guided Waves
A. Kural (Cardiff University)

Real Vibrations Database
I. Neri (University of Perugia, Italy)

Energy Harvesting for Structural Health Monitoring
M. Pearson (Cardiff University)

A Scalable Piezoelectric Impulse-Excited Generator for Random Low Frequency Excitation
P. Pillatsch (Imperial College London)

Energy Harvesting in Substations for Autonomous Sensing
M. Zhu (University of Strathclyde)
13:40 Keynote: Miniaturising Motion Energy Harvesters: Limits and Ways Around Them
Prof. Eric Yeatman (Imperial College, London)
14.10 Energy Harvesting Radio Sensors for Building and Industrial Automation
Frank Schmidt (CTO Enocean)
14:30 Preliminary Manufacturing Analysis of EH Applications
Carlos Huggins, Electronics, Sensors Photonics KTN
14:50 Best Poster Award, Coffee Break and Networking
15:10 Keynote: Vibration Energy Harvesting using Multi-Frequency and Nonlinear Piezoelectric Converters
Prof Vittorio Ferrari (University of Brescia, Italy)
15:40 Piezoelectric Thick Film Based Energy Harvesting Micro-Generators
Tomasz Zawada (Meggitt Sensing Systems)
16:00 Technology Strategy Board support for Energy Harvesting
Myrddin Jones (Technology Strategy Board)
16:20 End of Event

A "Best Poster" prize of a £100 Amazon voucher was awarded to Alexey Denisov (Imperial College London) for his poster titled PEANUT - PErsonal Actuator N-ergized by Ultrasonic Transfer.

best paper award

Below are a selection of photos from the event:

Energy Harvesting 2012 Energy Harvesting 2012
Energy Harvesting 2012 Energy Harvesting 2012
Energy Harvesting 2012 Energy Harvesting 2012
Energy Harvesting 2012 Energy Harvesting 2012

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