Michigan State University (CAESRT)
Address: 2100 Engr BldgURL: http://www.egr.msu.edu/cmsc/
The Center for Alternative Energy Storage Research and Technology (CAESRT) at Michigan State University is a center of excellence for the synthesis, design, and validation of high energy and power density generatrion and storage devices and systems. CAESRT objectives are: i) conducting innovative, fundamental and applied research in materials, technology and systems for storing and retrieving energy; ii) developing the next generation of energy devices through the use of innovative nanomaterials and nanoarchitectures; iii) working with government, state and federal as well as the private sector to transfer these discoveries and developments into cost-effective commercial products. The Center for Alternative Energy Storage Research and Technology (CAESRT) at Michigan State University is a center of excellence for the synthesis, design, and validation of high energy and power density storage devices and systems. CAESRT achieves this objective by: i) conducting innovative, high impact, fundamental and applied research for storing and retrieving energy; ii) developing the next generation of energy storage devices through the use of innovative nanomaterials and nanoarchitectures; iii) works closely with government, state and federal as well as the private sector to transfer these discoveries and developments into cost-effective commercial products. The goals of CAESRT are to i) gain a fundamental understanding of the atomic and molecular level processes that govern the operation, performance and failure mechanisms of energy storage systems; ii) design and investigate nanostructured materials with the goal of increasing the performance, durability and reliability ; iii) utilize nanostructuring of materials for energy generation and storage iv) develop systems level control and operation paradigms at a range of levels from personal to vehicular to installation and v) efficiently and effectively transfer these developments to for commercialization.