University of Exeter (Physics)
Address: School of Physics, Stocker RoadURL:
Physics and Astronomy is a dynamic teaching and research centre. For undergraduates we offer various Physics and Astronomy degree programmes. For postgraduates we offer an MPhil and PhD Physics with considerable flexibility concerning the precise area of research.
Our research is organised into four strong, internationally competitive research groups in key areas of:
Biomedical physics
Electromagnetic and acoustic materials
Quantum systems and nanomaterials
Steven Hepplestone
E-Mail: s.p.hepplestone [AT]
The application of quantum theory to materials is fundamental to the world around us. Our research group works on the following areas:
Energy storage
-Colossal permitivity materials
Energy conversion
-Solar power
Physics of Interfaces
-New material design
-Fundamental physics
-Electronic devices
Physics of Nanomaterials
-Two-dimensional systems
-Growth and properties of nanostructures
-Fundamentals of transport (heat and electronic)
Energy storage
-Colossal permitivity materials
Energy conversion
-Solar power
Physics of Interfaces
-New material design
-Fundamental physics
-Electronic devices
Physics of Nanomaterials
-Two-dimensional systems
-Growth and properties of nanostructures
-Fundamentals of transport (heat and electronic)