Federal University of Paraiba (Electrical Engineering)
Address: Cidade Universitária - João Pessoa - PB - Brazil 58051-900URL: http://www.ufpb.br/
The Department of Electrical Engineering from Federal University of Paraiba presents 24 doctor professors in electrical power system, electronic and automation areas. It maintains a post-graduated course in electrical system and one of its important research lines is on energy harvesting.
Cleonilson Protasio de Souza
Position: Professor
E-Mail: protasio [AT] cear.ufpb.br
Telephone: +558287721567
E-Mail: protasio [AT] cear.ufpb.br
Telephone: +558287721567
Cleonilson Protasio de Souza is currently a professor at Federal University of Paraiba - Brazil. He graduated in Electrical Engineering in 1989 and received the M.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering in 2001 from Federal
University of Maranhao, Brazil. He received the doctorate degree in 2005 from Federal University of Campina Grande - Brazil. His research interests include Energy Harvesting system, Embedded Systems, VLSI testing and intelligent systems.
University of Maranhao, Brazil. He received the doctorate degree in 2005 from Federal University of Campina Grande - Brazil. His research interests include Energy Harvesting system, Embedded Systems, VLSI testing and intelligent systems.