Tyndall National Institute (Theory Modelling and Design Centre)
Address: Dyke Parade, Cork, IrelandURL: http://www.tyndall.ie/
The Tyndall National Institute (Tyndall) was created in 2004 at the initiative of the Department of Enterprise Trade and Employment and University College Cork (UCC) to bring together complementary activities in photonics, electronics and networking research at the National Microelectronics Research Centre (NMRC), several UCC academic departments and Cork Institute of Technology (CIT). The objective is to create a research institute, which would become a focal point of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in Ireland, to support industry and academia nationally and to increase the number of qualified graduate students for the ‘knowledge economy’.
The strengths of the institute at the present time lie in the area of photonics, electronics, materials and nanotechnologies and their applications for life sciences, communications, power electronics and other industries. Research programmes range from theoretical modelling and design to novel material, nanotechnology, device processing and fabrication, packaging and integration; and novel systems incorporating these new devices.
Giorgos Fagas
Position: Staff Researcher
URL: http://www.tyndall.ie/research/computational-modelling-group/gfagas.html
E-Mail: georgios.fagas [AT] tyndall.ie
URL: http://www.tyndall.ie/research/computational-modelling-group/gfagas.html
E-Mail: georgios.fagas [AT] tyndall.ie
I have a PhD in Physics (Lancaster University, UK, 2000) and I am a staff researcher at Tyndall engaged in the'Energy-efficient Nanoelectronics' activity. I have previously been a fellow at the Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems and an Alexander von Humboldt fellow. I have gathered significant project management experience, leading both research activities and other initiatives.
I am currently the coordinator of the EU FP7 project SiNAPS (Semiconductor Nanowire Platform for Autonomous Sensors) and co-PI of the Science Foundation Principal Investigator Award on �Nanowire Simulation for Technology Design�. I am also the principal investigator and principal scientist in two other EU FP7 projects. I have been in the organising and programme committee of three international conferences and edited a reference book on molecular electronics.
My expertise is in nanotechnology-enhanced electron device operation and a priori technology evaluation, in particular, transport and quantum effects in nanomaterials and low dimensional structures. I have been developing simulation tools that constitute part of Tyndall�s IP portfolio on software. I have over 30 publications with many invited contributions internationally.
I am currently the coordinator of the EU FP7 project SiNAPS (Semiconductor Nanowire Platform for Autonomous Sensors) and co-PI of the Science Foundation Principal Investigator Award on �Nanowire Simulation for Technology Design�. I am also the principal investigator and principal scientist in two other EU FP7 projects. I have been in the organising and programme committee of three international conferences and edited a reference book on molecular electronics.
My expertise is in nanotechnology-enhanced electron device operation and a priori technology evaluation, in particular, transport and quantum effects in nanomaterials and low dimensional structures. I have been developing simulation tools that constitute part of Tyndall�s IP portfolio on software. I have over 30 publications with many invited contributions internationally.