EPSRC Energy Harvesting Network

Toumaz Technology

Toumaz is a pioneer in low cost, ultra-low power wireless technologies for a wide range of markets including connected healthcare and internet-connected consumer devices.

Toumaz’s licensable smart sensor interface and transceiver platform, Sensium, is a leader in non-intrusive, real-time wireless monitoring of multiple physiological vital signs. Sensium offers the potential to transform medical monitoring and reduce the cost of healthcare by wirelessly connecting individuals to healthcare providers - simply, affordably and unobtrusively.

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The data on this page has been contributed by the energy harvesting community. Any views and opinions that are expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the Energy Harvesting Network and, while we strive to provide a reliable resource, we take no responsibility for the accuracy of the information shown.
University of Southampton For comments on the website, please email webmaster@eh-network.org. For general enquiries, please email info@eh-network.org.
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