Institute for Infocomm Research (Networking Protocols)
Address: 1 Fusionopolis Way #21-01 Connexis, Singapore 138632URL:
The Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R) is Singapore's premier Information, Communications and Media (ICM) research institute. We are currently located at Fusionopolis, One North, which is a vibrant enclave for research. I2R currently employs over 400 researchers coming from many nationalities and working in diverse areas including digital wireless, security, media and signal processing, networking, embedded systems, knowledge discovery, speech and natural language processing, automated video analysis, radio systems and fibre optics.
The Networking Department in I2R, focuses on several areas of research including, wireless mesh networks, maritime networks, sensor networks, ambient intelligence and body area networks, localization and tracking, cooperative and coordinated networks and next generation networks research. In the area of mesh networks, the department focuses on the development of highly survivable systems, which are QoS enabled and to support challenging applications related to maritime, offshore, structural monitoring and vehicular. In the area of sensor networks, the emphasis of research is based on finding optimal energy efficient schemes and techniques for supporting challenging remote telemetry applications such as underwater surveillance and structural health monitoring.