Ward-Leonard Generator

Energy Source: Vibration
Application: Machinery
Specific Location: Top of Induction Motor
Data Duration: 02m 34s
Data Frequency: 2048 Hz
Abstract: The acceleration of a Ward-Leonard set was measured. This consists of a 3-phase induction motor that drives a dc generator via some flexible couplings. The set is bolted securely to a heavy table. Data Logger was positioned on top of the motor, cable-tied and taped to the connection box. The logger was on for approximately 3 minutes that included start-up and turn off. Features: a) Start-up between 0.25 - 5.6 seconds b) Turn-off starts at 116.2 seconds
Acknowledgement: If you use this data, please:
- acknowledge 'University of Bristol/University of Southampton, "Next Generation Energy-Harvesting Electronics: Holistic Approach" [online]. Available: http://www.holistic.ecs.soton.ac.uk/',
- specify that the data was "Downloaded via The EH Network Data Repository (http://eh-network.org/data)".
Link to Further Information and Analysis: http://www.holistic.ecs.soton.ac.uk/data/ward_1/data.php