VW Transporter Van - Wheel suspension

Energy Source: Vibration
Application: Automobile
Specific Location: Cable-tied to the lower arm of the front left wheel's suspension
Data Duration: 13m 46s
Data Frequency: 2048 Hz
Date Obtained: Friday 15th July 2011, 12:39pm
Abstract: The selected car is a commercial vehicle (VW Transporter van) with a 5-cylinder diesel engine. The engine speed is relatively low, varying between 1500-2500 rpm. Data Logger is cable-tied to the lower arm of the front left wheel's suspension. The van was driven back from Eastgate Tesco to the university. Driving back to university from Eastgate Tesco, heavy traffic around roundabout. Stopped at traffic light before joining M32. Going up to 50-60 mph. Heavy traffic near city centre, stop and go motion with slow travel. Start time: 12:39:25, finish time: 12:54:00.
Acknowledgement: If you use this data, please:
- acknowledge 'University of Bristol/University of Southampton, "Next Generation Energy-Harvesting Electronics: Holistic Approach" [online]. Available: http://www.holistic.ecs.soton.ac.uk/',
- specify that the data was "Downloaded via The EH Network Data Repository (http://eh-network.org/data)".
Link to Further Information and Analysis: http://www.holistic.ecs.soton.ac.uk/data/van2_suspension/data.php