EPSRC Energy Harvesting Network

Brunel University (Design & Engineering)

Address: Kingston Lane Uxbridge Middlesex UB8 3PH
URL: www.brunel.ac.uk

John Fyson

Position: Visiting Associate Professor
E-Mail: fyson [AT] globalnet.co.uk
Telephone: 07779750865

•Physical organic and inorganic chemistry particular kinetics of processes in thin permeable films
•Modelling of complex chemical processes especially involving diffusion
•Design and testing of processing systems optimising chemistry and equipment
•Photographic processing solution formulation
•Advanced photolithography and mask making
•Patent searching and draft application writing
•Apparatus construction and maintenance
•Statistics and experiment design including teaching others
•Programming – Visual, VBA and Quick Basic, C, FORTRAN
•Extensive general scientific knowledge and from this, idea generation and inventing
•Application of materials for novel uses in textiles and clothing
•Theory and practical knowledge of non-emissive and emissive displays

Incorrect or outdated information?

Please contact info@eh-network.org if any of information on this page is out-of-date or incorrect.


The data on this page has been contributed by the energy harvesting community. Any views and opinions that are expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the Energy Harvesting Network and, while we strive to provide a reliable resource, we take no responsibility for the accuracy of the information shown.
University of Southampton For comments on the website, please email webmaster@eh-network.org. For general enquiries, please email info@eh-network.org.
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